knacket P39
Från Valdemarsvik / Östergötlands län / Sweden
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2015-01-10 04:22
Senaste aktivitet i trådar
Ey yo whats up homies? Bitches and snitches?\
I´ve just picket up a 5 from the best kusch evvah\
U wanna join? U wanna have a nice zipp, boi?\
This is how we do it, right on the East Coast!\
Yeah, we live our life´s straight on ground controll\
Roll a nice greenzip and light it up and blow\
Yeah, this is the right shit, this is some tight shit\
This is all that I can ask for, but doubble up bitch\
Oh yeah I´m fuckt now....\
Hell fuck yeah I´m so stoned up.....silence\
Yeah, i roll it up, roll it tight, roll it nice, boi\
I´f U complain, go and get u´r own shit, boi\
I don´t wanna know, where U pickt it up boi\
U´r a clown, hoe, so re re reetardo\
Copywright by "Unknown Studios"