landet shop.consumptionjunction.comwww.consumptionjunction.comwww.big-boys.comwww.riemurasia.netwww.big-boys.comwww.thatvideosite.comwww.illwillpress.comwww.badgirlsblog.comHip-Hop Junkie
Word! You scored 51!
Congratulations, you're a hip-hop addict! You've probably got a massive mp3 collection and you probably know a few people who rap or DJ. You've been listening to hip-hop long enough to know the difference between hip-pop and the real hip-hop. You're probably a backpacker or a groupie who's on the jock. Or you've been in the game for years paying your dues. You probably listen to a lot of underground, and most people have never heard of your favorite artists, so some people think you're a purist, elitist, or just trying to hard to be cool.