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I make fun of retards

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-01-04 18:45

I make fun of retards

Ambition feeds the ego, from brats to emos
But my nation goes where ever the beat goes
With lyrics burn marked in the back of minds
I just give high fives to the hands of time
Order girls with Tequila and slam them down
Display my past in lines to cast some light
So shut your mouth and don't fucking pass the mic
Sleep, drink, fuck - I live for the day
Our parents had yesterday but gave it away
I have two girlfriends that I don't really like
But one understands me, but we get caught up in silly fights
With the other one - there is not a feeling right..
But she's really tight
I make fun of retards, offer the copper a dubie
I make bouncers see stars like Ariel's boobies
I'm sin personified, I win all the time
Feeling fine - I scream: I'm God with rhymes
No, but seriously I have fear aswell;
But I know what I'm here to tell
And I guess all I can do now;
Is hope they serve beer in Hell

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose