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A Perfect Night Out. [Treat]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-03 20:00

A Perfect Night Out. [Treat]

One moment lasts forever
Slamming our glasses together
Taking time off, recharging our batteries
Like knights after carnages on battlefields
Nine to five five days, fridays we're everlasting
No hassle, redecorating the halls of our Thugz Mansion
Drifting away in memories, reflecting over past enemies
Freezing a moment in time with every drop of Hennesy
For every hour passing us by, we divide cause from effect
Going from pausing stress to diving into our consciousness
No tough talk.. No "Gag my cock" or bags of pot
We'll drink a little, live some more and laugh alot
From every chick who bothers to every nickle borrowed
Lick wounds and refill our glasses like there's no tomorrow
From outside you'll see a packed bar and drunken party
But from the inside, there's a deeper story in every bottle
An ounce of love, a few beers and a dust of trust
In the over-populated and crowded bar - its just us

For my boys..

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose