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Someone was sleeping during english class...

Whoa Community - Allmänt om whoa


2005-09-17 11:30

Someone was sleeping during english class...

Jag är inte en stavfels fascist, men seriöst, eran presentation om Whoa på engelska, i den internationella delen är riktigt larvig.

I och med att Whoa är en community (se plats) så ska det benämnas med en stor bokstav.

Ett ord som börjar med en vokal, kan aldrig bli benämnt "a". Alltså går det inte att säga "a internet community". Kommer ni ihåg det i skolan då läraren sa att man inte får säga "a apple" ?

Too är kvantitativt, alltså too much, too little etc. Alltså när något är för mycket.

Community like whoa!
Welcome to W hoa. Right now you are standing outside the portal to an internet community we have chosen to call Whoa.

If you don't know what W hoa means, you have probably been sleeping under a rock. It is simply an expression for something that's very cool, or very good. And W hoa is very cool, at least that's what the members think.

Even though we mainly focus on hiphop-music you will find all kinds of people with all kinds of different musicstyles and personalities. The community's most important part, the forums include topics ranging from Hiphop, R eggae and Soul, to Computers, Politics and Sport.

If you havn't become a member yet but think this would be a dope place to hang (out in/at?) without too much bullshit, feel free to register and become a part of Whoa!

At the gates of Eternity...