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You can see it too (musikprojekt med gitarrist och sångerska)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2012-01-15 02:44

You can see it too (musikprojekt med gitarrist och sångerska)

Senaste jag skrev, ganska tydligt att detta inte är rap,
utan en blivande låt lagd på gitarr..

Enjoy, or not.. välj själv

You'll never understand it all
But despite that, you were never wrong
Leaving memories behind
Loving you... but love is blind
I can see it chrystal clear
Why you're there, and why not here
But I will never understand
Why you're the only thing worth holding on to

Still here talking to the moon
feel like a fool... but I can't talk to you
You're a million miles away
I beg you to stay, please don't walk away
Cuz' there's a million reasons why
Why I see you when I close my eyes
A million reasons why we try
The same reasons why we'd always fight

My best friend you'll always be
But I can't stand that you won't talk to me
I really don't want to feel
Like everybody else... when they feel like me
Because in love I don't believe
I believe in you.. and what we have is real

But it is more than just a crush..
I'm not in love with you, I'm in love with us

It doesn't matter where you are
Cuz' facing the sky, I can see the stars
Whatever happens, I can see the moon
And you're not far away, cuz' you can see it too