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MK - Magic Place

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-09-04 23:59

MK - Magic Place

Should we fly away to other planets
Only you n me baby in our loneliness
So, do u wanna come with me to a magic place.
Then sit down cause the plane is gonna fly away.

Ye, when I think back on ours days.
I keep hearin' myself say:
"Till death apart" I read it inside the rings.
You are my angel without the wings.
Its the details not the big things,
that make our love sing, thru any wind.
And baby am sorry for my wrong turns.
I have too stepped on the fire,
and felt how it burns.
But its hard to fill all the desire.
Still love you, dont care how much its acquire.
I will allways be here, no matter what.
Will allways have an open door,
and never let it be shut.

Should we fly away to other planets
Only you n me baby in our loneliness
So, do u wanna come with me to a magic place.
Then sit down cause the plane is gonna fly away.

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.