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Destroying the planet

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-08-19 08:13

Destroying the planet

two freaks on display like sookie and bill
join me at the dark side where rookies gets killed
depressed soldiers are pushing the pills
the outkasts trying to build but chill
because the whole green globe is in a man made coffin
one thousand million people starving
alarming sounds, control the black flow
an eye for a gallon, bomb the grounds
tanks made of panzer, digital cancer
the solution is so far beyond answers
they protect the assets of the earth
masses gets hurt, the cash gets burned
and stacked, bullets gets packed and used
companies abuse, animals is the truth
man the virus, destroying the planet
no one can guide us, bury the casket

människorna i min tillvaro är som glasdörrar
antingen ser jag igenom dem
eller så öppnar jag dem och går igenom