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Vill ha kritik tack! :)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-08-18 12:02

Vill ha kritik tack! :)

time pass,
it went through too fast, the youth wont last,
smooth solutions for the world before it collapse
soldier suscribers describes a few sold out survivors
i'm stuck in the past, but it's just this season
without justice & reason, nobodys stronger then I was
touch my heart and those old folks souls like earlier
smile again, bless y'all keep in touch, confess to god
presence of words that lurks in your area, but nothing
that none care about, time flies, lies travel faster
then a hungry bastard eating his meal fast cus it feels
like he have ta, rats grin it's just something we're trapped in
you hear those laughter, they build and destroy just like childrens joy
you thought it never could happen never imagine, like the 9/11
Usama bin Laden, bullets in your body get some punctured lungs,
dysfunctional ones, easy diseased, it's dodgy, get killed in the slums
they violate, i'm asking: why hate? with my head turned sideways,
against the masses, explore the primal meaning of the cycle outlast it
like a trifle and still time passes, life goes on y'all but you know what?
i stay strong y'all.

you should too. / SJIBHA