burnadotte - ingen titel
ingen genomarbetad text så det blev ganska rörigt men blev bara sugen på att skriva lite snabbt..
im Serizawa Kamo, no denial, i'll toss you to Ghana, i know the standard saga ends up with the evil bastards burning up in lava or perhaps, in the african savanna, where somethings on the track, seems like a lotta hunters in hunting season, gunning down zebras, to receive a whole bunch of skin and flesh, make their fingers red, to win respect. thats what you get when your motto is murder and kill. my own motto is that tomorrow i have the power of will. to do what i wanted but still keep it one-hundred even if it thundered, and that thunder would cause flaws, including a storm a storm at its illest form with a killers face, like Al Capone's, but its not movies we're watchin, its how we do it, to live while we avoid the fact that life is toxic. we all have that thought in our pockets, to just jump out of a rocket, beyond the moon, in a universe with no rules, no rebirth or no rehearsal, on what you should say to ur boss if, u want him to raise ur profit. but maybe thats just me? is there anyone else today, who maintains to be, himself, hmm, am i afraid of opening up the thoughts in my brain? think again.
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