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Tocix misery..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-03-08 00:05

Tocix misery..

Ye.. im walkin' around like a stranger in my own town.
Like a hole in the bottle, i cant find my sound.
Livin' in the streets, trying to go through the flame.
Hopin' for a better day, lookin' fo' the change.
Fightin' in the dust with myself, cant get enough.
But still tho' im apart of the crowd.
Thats tryin' to run away from the toxic cloud.
Tryin to get a better confidence with lies to my reflection.
But even my images laugh at me n' give some correction.
Tells me, that theres a long way on the road im travelin'
But i dont know where im raveling.
Still tho' lost in the toxic fire looking fo' my locker.
Live your life cause the misery is a fucker.
Easy to get into, but hard to run away.
Every night im fantasize how it would be if i had choose another way.
But thats just another fight, which never will be right..

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.