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Leéman - Incomplete

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2011-01-21 23:51

Leéman - Incomplete

I am scared that I'll deliberately conceal the fact
that im afraid to lose something that I never had
missing the piece, like a puzzle I am incomplete
somewhat I cant see; the piece neglected is me
let my soul scarcely alter, to the level it fades
pull the lever I made and take it to certain gains
my love wants to germinate, no space for that
lets grace the fact, that the ace is all you had
erased the pain hate and debase all the bases
at the campaign; started main about the races
this is a solemn matter, try to interpret it right
tattoos comes with patterns of purposeful light
took flight after the years when I grew my wings
the melody I sing; "The guardian angel of sins"
defined the word 'therapy' as a standard of life
my feelings keep my lyrics peculiar life alive


All form av kritik skulle betyda guld! Så länge ni är trevliga i sättet ni förmedlar kritiken på.

Detta är f.ö en utav mina mest seriösa texter på engelska. Har skrivit lyrik i runt 3 år nu, men har för det mesta skrivit på svenska.