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2010-10-08 15:11


Sitting on the bus on the way to hell,
the devil is keeping me company,
Satan is taunting me,
telling that there is no way out,
If I die now it doesnt matter,
no doubt!
But the belive in god keeps me in base,
his wicked mind isnt hard to read through that face,
the thoughts of my sins is getting me nervous,
is it because I still can't figure out my purpose,
why i'm I sitting on a high way to hell,
the devil isnt answering any questions,
so their is no way to tell,
these empty seats tells me i'm alone,
no human contact what so ever
not even a phone,
why is the devil taking his time
and showing me this place,
when he could put me right there
without no taste,
as we reach our destination he tells me to stand up,
with no fear in my eyes anymore,
I stand up,
Its like i've given up hope like what ever,
the devil looks at me and laughs
"kid play tough all you want, you'll be here forever",
I step out of the bus and I suddenly wake up,
realizing it was all a fake,
like a big breasted hooker with alot of make up
nightmares making me sleep over the morning light
will I be back again soon,
or I'm going to sleep again under the moon light

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