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Melancholic - Blue Blood (en kunglig diss)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-07-13 22:40

Melancholic - Blue Blood (en kunglig diss)

A lot of us like to think that Sweden is so evolved when it comes to equality and democracy. Then why do we still have dictators on our currency? Why do we still have a system where the head of state is inheirited? And why do we still have laws that restricts freedom of speech, marriage, indictment, and religious freedom? It's crazy. But guess what. Tonight I brought a special guest...

- Ey, man, wake up!
- (*Mmmm!*)
- Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk to you. Listen...

1st Verse
I had to cut you loose from your puppet masters/
The same strings strangled those fuckin' bastards/
No, you won't be saved by your peers/
So, let me explain why you're here/
Relax, and don't resist for a second/
I'm 'bout to give you a history lesson/
One of the oldest form of government/
Monarchy that you've sworn to represent/
To rule and never have to resign/
they used to claim that they were divine/
or placed in charged by the grace of God/
in order to keep up their fake facade/
They created a myth: blue blood/
We'll see about that when it do flood/
I'm not sayin' this just to shock people/
I'll prove you wrong when you say we're not equal/

Blue blood, you bet that it's on/
Never thought you'd be in check by a pawn/
Blue blood, you possess the crown/
But I make you look like a jester now/
Blue blood, I can barely wait/
for the day you decide to abdicate/
Blue blood, I'm not afraid to/
do what it takes to persuade you/

2nd Verse
I don't think that your fans will be pleased/
when I take a piss on your family tree/
and snap at you like paparazzi/
Your grandpa was a fuckin' nazi/
long before it was "mandatory"/
You made excuses when they ran the story/
There's more? Yeah, it gotta be/
Your great grandpa was into sodomy/
But hey, it's okay to swing that way/
Back then, you couldn't have a king that's gay/
In the past he bribed and other stuff/
This cover-up got classified/
for 50 years/ "Nice work"/
And that's just the tip of the iceberg/
I wonder what you hide in your closet/
But all I hear and see is more gossip/

Blue blood, you bet that it's on/
Never thought you'd be in check by a pawn/
Blue blood, you possess the crown/
But I make you look like a jester now/
Blue blood, I can barely wait/
for the day you decide to abdicate/
Blue blood, I'm not afraid to/
do what it takes to persuade you/

You don't think rational when you're lovesick
The heart convince the brain that the glove fit