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Entertainment - Was it worth it?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-03-23 15:39

Entertainment - Was it worth it?

Vet inte. Brukar oftast inte skriva på engelska, men vafan. Ibland är det kul. '

I wanna say some words, but I'm constantly choked
Because I'm carrying the heart that you broke
I'm screaming till the top of my throat, the pain is starting to grow
To something that can only be cured by bottles and dope
My face is greased up by vomit and tears of blood
For two years, you've been spitting in my face when I begged for your love
You're a bitch, and I hate what you've done
But your behaviour can't stop me from loving you so much
I'mma panic, put a gun to my head
Put me out of my misery instead of fucking my friends
I'm so crushed, you left my heart broken in bits and pieces
I don't give a shit about the reasons..
You did this, you made me cry
You made we wanna die, you made me hate my life
I'm confused, full of hatred when I'm clicking my pen
Give your heart to a person - they will rip it in shreds
