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Hanut - lite krasslig engelsk storytelling ;)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-02-26 09:42

Hanut - lite krasslig engelsk storytelling ;)

It makes no different in what type of language-
the pain is exactly the same, just another type of bandage,
God have forseen the worlds devastation- the primates,
we're all doomed, by Satans hand,
ten years after the war, all that remains is a forsaken land

Children standin' without parents in tears,
there's no one left by, to declaring the fears,
poor kid, all alone on their block,
wishing the cold nightmare to end, but it never stopped

by disrespection and anger he started to write,
'cus the world is no longer a sanctuary, despite-
the religions, the so called truth, but it's all lies,
He was put on earth to make a purpose, to start the fight,

The final four bars, with words to fulfill his prophecy,
but you rolled him over with super high velocity,
you crashed him to the ground, and ripped his heart out,
the only truth he knows about..is that life gonna be hard now