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the lines of indoctrination, 20bars engelska

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-02-08 17:39

the lines of indoctrination, 20bars engelska

It's uncommon knowledge
but its becoming known to the fact
that masses acts on command
like combatsoldiers listening to The Man

implies his demands with a slight
almost polite gesture with his right hand
following his indication
with money as bait walking straight

into the lines of indoctrination
awarded with modern day slavery
nowadays called occupation
so we behave like quavery foundations

without no bravery embedded in the nations
and unagreement leads to fines n treason
so were left without a chance to reason
pushed in the grind til were stationed n seasoned

with regulations telling you to fuck your relations
building bridges to build even larger seperations
n integration is just a word to entice you for your votes
but my advice for this world is to live after key notes

Listen to your inside, bye bye

Why die in vain, when you can live n' try to change?