dummy - divine vibrations
what cant be described must be scribbled down in riddle. divine rulers, decline, the mind to be in middle. thunder strucked by fear, as the end creeps near. by holy wars, that leaves scars, so you cant see clear. reverse engineer, alien technology. to transform ourselfs into a higher state ecology. free energy for all, just as tesla envisioned. wake up and realize the current way is insufficient. tin foil, angainst the mind boil, cus the goverment lies. if we stop weaving the coil, then they cant control our lifes. symphonize and synthezise, form our own reality. we the children of god with a druginfused mentality. embrace the totality, surrender to my self. to render myself, to find myself, stop looking for my self. in the book shelf, cus true beauty resides. deep whitin the self, under layers of lies.
vibrations of love, signals from the above. dissolves our hunger for power, like the peace in a dove. hallucinations from the era of the eschaton tells a story that reminds us of the light after dawn. it's the acension, the next dimension feel the tension, as we be spinning and spinning as reality spirals into a new beginng. an infinite fractal, made by god's eternal singing. a being of light, with a birth right to get high. and to reach for the sky, to grow old and die. and truly expand, beyond imagination of man. in time history to must be buried in sand. so watch the grand plan, unfold before your very eyes. no need to fear at all, as nothing truly dies. it is all bound together, in oneness forever. its the yin and the yang baby, the now and the never.
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