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asma - darkness

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-12-24 18:37

asma - darkness

ive got this darkness in me i cant speak on
its like a part within me is all evil
i think my heart is sleepin upon people
that dont see my heart at all its all peaceful

but when the darkness sneaks in its numbin my mind
muthafuckers are blind stuck in the light
nuthin to find behind these dyin gullable eyes
uncomfortable lies is fillin my soul and suckin it dry

--- yea im lucky tonight
bleedin feelins through my pencil fuck what i write
spazzin out on my lyrics and much of it might
set a psychosis in motion cause sumthin aint right

no - its like im aching to kill
save me-compassion aint what im able to feel
this aint me im asking what is making me spill
my darkness like this man my pain is for real


ive got this darkness in me i cant live with
apparently my heart is down with the same illness
im off to bury the grief and pain in this
i wanna end this but the rainy days are endless

its senseless how im goin on like an engine
im tremblin and throwin bombs on my heavy tension
and my attention changes direction every second
im second guessin the neverendin part that i mentioned

yea - i really need some empathy
my life is a cinema - its me and empty seats
give me a beat and ill bleed eventually
cause all i need is that you see the strenght in me

but no one does and im starting to accept it
i guess the darkness in me is an exeption
this is the part within me im never ventin
so for the record - my dark picture is a blessing

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