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Self inflicted

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-11-23 20:39

Self inflicted

Theres a darkness, spreading, on this horizon of mine,
So divine, I go blind on both eyes at the same time.
Is my best rhyme only as good as the next line,
If my sick lies only are true to wrecked minds?
I don’t think I have the strength to carry on further,
They led us to believe, that true love was real.
I want to kill myself so often that it’s close to murder,
So I don’t really want to talk ‘bout how the fuck you feel.
None of the child book love stories ever keep their promise,
They planted that seed in us all now we can’t reap the harvest.
Nothing pure is real, that’s a fucking lie,
That hurts equally for each and every fucking time.
When will it stop being hard, or is it part of life?
Is it meaningless for real, are we far from skies?
What will ease the pain? When will we meet again?
When will I fly back to Saturn deep in a meteor rain?
Bow down all, for the rise of fall,
If it’s time to go I guess I’ll die for all.
You don’t know me, I’ll only stop bleeding,
When I have courage enough to OD, to stop breathing.

I bear the anguish of the world in these wounds,
Self inflicted by these glasses of anger I see through.
It might be hard to understand, but I need you,
I need somebody other than myself to bleed too.

I wish I had the courage in me, to redefine,
The people met in life, to read them in between the lines.
You seek denial ‘cause what you leave behind is me, deprived,
Of once an eager mind, deep inside a leap in time.
Keep in mind, God loves you, but he doesn’t exist,
There’s no one there to watch over you when you’re lost in the mist.
And if abilities don’t manifest I’ll cross the abyss,
Take me out into the universe to stalk the eclipse.
You need to walk with me and see what I see,
And we can talk, when you cannot even sleep without weed.
There are anomalies in my brain with an evil disease,
That make me hate the fucking world so it aint sweet to be me.
The people I meet, don’t even feel the need to be free,
Intrigued as may be, they cannot find the will to believe.
But it all will change now, and so on and so on,
Rest our tired bodies on just another denial song.
Don’t heed the voices, they’re not for real,
You’re controlled by no man, you’re thoughts are clear,
For the first time now ‘cause my life will end soon,
See with clear eyes and the lies will end you.

I bear the anguish of the world in these wounds,
Self inflicted by these glasses of anger I see through.
It might be hard to understand, but I need you,
I need somebody other than myself to bleed too. x2

It’s all bullshit, no rights and wrongs,
Just a growing space where the night is born,
I don’t care for either, and light my bong,
Good for now but slightly gone..

There will be light again, and I’ll feel better when my life will end,
Then consider the darkness to be a hiding friend.
Someone’s pushing you, you wonder why you bend,
Broken, scarred too hard for any god to mend.
If I grow to be king, I would leave the building,
And trade it all for just on night of deeper feelings.
I hate to say, I don’t feel great today,
As my body’s decaying I see myself, fade away.
Can I get help, get well, or even get better?
From a deceased mind, in this pitiful weather.
Ambivalent now, as I’m back and forth,
Back to war on the microphone, cracking jaws.
And of course, alone, ‘cause I pass on whores,
Random source for rhymes, it’s an astral tour.
At last I’m yours, but now will leave the earth it seems,
To go to sleep in the world of dreams..

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