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Sensitive Fuck Up [dikt]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-11-21 20:17

Sensitive Fuck Up [dikt]

Anger, turning into energy, then madness
turning into what? ...sadness.
I am hurting you,
by hurting myself.
(putting one more volume on the shelf)

Killing time, making choices,
getting by, not listening to those voices
Hiding from the distress,
instead: running faster.
(yet into another disaster)

Ready for another dialogue followed by downfall
Again, crash landing my head against the wall
Dancing in darkness,
don't want anybody to see.
(is it wrong missing to be free?)

Bored to hell, start making my own rule,
need to force the boundaries to add more fuel
Pushing away feelings,
senses wide open, bright
(won't stop just because of red light)

-Need a bigger conscience? -Yes, please.
-Would that be all? -No, make it a double. Thanks.

I am a sensitive fuck up.