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16 djupa engelska rader.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-11-12 12:39

16 djupa engelska rader.

when i glance at the sky i can see jane cry
her eyes is lost in the past that she hides
she grew up as a happy child
but the countless times she was betrayed
made her weary and grey, cold in the heart
from day one she was doomed to be scarred
the constant ill-treatment of little jane
left her with ugly memories in the brain
and the memories remain the same forever
mentally severed, so bright and so clever
but no she cannot get out of the trap
but no she cannot get rid of the past
of course she tried and she succeeded
but in the end of the day comes the demons
and these demons wont let her be
set her free because what she feels is real

människorna i min tillvaro är som glasdörrar
antingen ser jag igenom dem
eller så öppnar jag dem och går igenom