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Spades - Beauty (Dikt)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-09-29 14:42

Spades - Beauty (Dikt)

Testade mig på att skriva en engelsk dikt.
Är ganska dålig på engelska men jag tror det gick helt OK så jag delar med mig av den! :)

Beauty shows it self in many forms
it can be seen on pictures
or heard in the telephone
if you just know how to see and listen

Eternal beauty of the world turn people into something else
when it's in the middle of the thin line between love and hate
that somehow allways makes it hurt to say goodbye
and sometimes, make it more painful to say hi

All the time, beauty surround us, unnoticed
people cry for things they don't understand
and wonder if things would be different...
if they just done something

Under the concrete of feelings
roses still try to grow strong
they are going through hard things to deal with
so when they almost reached the top
they're gone..

Think how life would be
if we had the same chances with life
and could do something meaningful before we die
think how it would be - if we were free

You probably don't understand
and i don't blame you for it
for you can't see this world as a wonderland
and i can never hate you for it...
beacuse i love you, for who you are

(Inlägget ändrat av spades_joola 2009-09-29 14:50:07)

Sötnosarna Represent!
"Klart att hiphopen dör ut när alla sitter och hatar"
- Fronda