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Tsun - Singin' my mind dry to a catchy melody like la la

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-09-03 04:32

Tsun - Singin' my mind dry to a catchy melody like la la

as they're sleeping I'm wide awake
like it's my freedom when their time is late
on my balcony, looking out
admiring the silence that lays
over what screams in the light of the day,
silent noizes from a cave of a fellow vampire
through the blinds I see reflections of light from his campfire
and the stars are still too far away,
we breathe electric, still the talk is simple and plain
we're still so limited, still so ignorant,
brainwashed imbeciles blessed with a flake of intelligence
that came from the universe,
in a world born through magma, germs surviving a meteor blast
evolving in a cycle creating life in the vast
one of the problems is
their fake god and this none conciousness
silent craftsmen on different working benches
some of us slaves without knowing it
we keep building our society
eating whatever lies they feed
it's so hard seeing the sky with neon lights blinding me
still cave men, hungry for what the next man has on display
in much more unnecesarily complicated ways
and they knew the game first so they make the rules
they send the news, advertisine and makes the animals drewl
we want to get their paper, we wanna get their jewels,
wanna get their brands, wanna get so cool
we get so swag that we think we alien
still nothing but civilized cave men
under the clothes we still naked
the true divine light is fading
e're not wet but it's still raining

(Inlägget ändrat av spades_joola 2009-09-03 22:42:50)

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