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AbsolutK - Face in the crowd

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-08-19 12:13

AbsolutK - Face in the crowd

Confined feeling like you're inside a thin line
watching re-runs of sitcom's you've allready seen
but your bored ass can't make it off the couch anyway
just hoping that the morning after turns into a better day
but it wont, cus without your effort it'll just be the same
wake up, go to work and then go to bed again...
It's the way of life, a constant race with time
you catch up, fall behind, and,
can't reach the sky when you're tied to the ground
and all you can hear is the lie in all sounds
cus you blaim everyone around and wont listen
want to keep the self-esteem that's left cus hope kills it
crawl into your shell of independent shelter
close your eyes, turn to God "bring me down to hell, sir.
I'm just another face in the crowd and wont settle for it
got no fighting spirit left, so I better fold it..."

En "vanlig" idé nuförtiden vad jag förstått, dock intressant enligt mig och vill endast höra kommentarer om det är värt att bygga på och vad som kan förbättras.

Alltså undanbedes "played out" kommentarer, tack!

"labels want my name beside the X like Malcolm" - Drake