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Perspective, App, Anenkefali & Gussti - Fuck All Y'all

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-06-22 04:22

Perspective, App, Anenkefali & Gussti - Fuck All Y'all

Let's break it down; you're wack and a faggot
I slay opponents when I'm rapping in battles
and since I get more ass than a saddle
it should be a fucking honour for you to stand in my shadow
I'm the type that'll invite your guys yelling: "Let's get high!"
then put on Devin the dude - Doobie ashtray
and for no reason stomp on your face so many times
when you walk it looks like you're doing boogie-woogie dancing
truth be told, I laugh at you clowns
and if anyone doubt that my friends are raw
we'll smash the shit out you and rap to the sound
off you getting the head banged against the wall
then we simply wait till you start to cry
and bring in your best friend
forcing you to watch him die, leaving you traumatized
just because you talked shit like a reverend (BRRRRAP)

I'm baked, eating potatoes while you're eating baked potatoes
and if I ever aim for heaven, it's just to rape some angels
'cause everything I do is a statement, saying "Fuck the world!",
or at least that's what my letter to the state meant...
And midgets don't have souls, I'm bringing the truth
I don't pour punch in bowls, I give 'em to you!
Not liquid-ish booze, I'll punch you bro
what you really should do is have your lunch to go,
so you have a last meal before I kill you in school
I'll put my knife in your breast like silicon boobs
make you squeel like a pig and stand on your head
proceed to rape your daughter and then I ask you for help
"Could you hold her legs, or go get help
she can hardly resist to both our weights!"
I make you assist me with the resisting
sister of your son, I'll risk it all for love
and make you get a picture of her mum,
so I can take your daughters face and finish off with cum

when I'm keystyling, youll see me flying
over peoples heads like im C.Viper from street fighter
keep sayin you wanna beef player, you got the deez sprayin?
i'll castrate you and your beatmaker with a cheesegrater
you aint got no dough, fucking broke fronting that your rich
you couldn't watch money grow tattoing a dollar on your dick
this loser's wack, dropping awful spit
about doing crack and shooting cats
the only reason he's hard is this
he's the dude thats fat from superbad
he grew up always drawing dicks
so when he's bragging about groupies that
put up their juicy ass...you do the math,
why he's no gangster and still walking limp
lets be honest, no-one likes your verses. cause all you
rap about is ice, drugs, nines, pumps and violent murders
comparing you to me? Then your life is worthless
you're just another fightklub-wannabe, I'm Tyler Durden

If you want beef I'll leave you fucked up mayne,
cuz' you aint crooked at all - you're just not straight
I'm the king around, I rule this game
If anyone act up, I'll murder that bitch
You're just a rookie with a stupid name
who'll never get better like if you were terminally ill
I've got a dick like a horse, and whores on my dick
you're just a moron who's falling for tricks,
What would be happening if you'd be acting up kid?
I'd give you a smack with my fists, and then bash you and shit
last but not least, I'd go macking your bitch,
slapping her with my miraculous dick.
And man, you aint a rapper - the only time you spit
is right before you go devouring dicks
I'm so friggin' dope, face me in a cypher
and you'll easily die like acrylic fibers