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5 Minuters "låt/freestyle"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-06-13 21:38

5 Minuters "låt/freestyle"

word after word, line after line//
talk shit and imma redesignnn ,, that face//
fuck you up in your own place//
time to continue dropping my rhymes//
about all my crimes and my hard times//
at school, when i tried to act cool//
they all tried to battle the whitey//
But my flow was almighty//
And it still is, and will be//
and you better agree//
Or ill get my glock, and geeet insane//
imma aim it at your brain//
and i aint cool ?//
Well fuck that rule//
Im the fucking law//
Im the guy with a glock and a chain saw//
i dont know how 2 end this freestyle//
so imma stop with a smile// =)

skrev den på 5 minuter

all kritik e bra

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