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We headin ? (jobbskriv) - pewol

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-06-11 17:37

We headin ? (jobbskriv) - pewol

im poopin poof, Im like ecstasy rush, coppers dont have proof
to use against my youth and drink boose cuz my life needs a boost
like last second before the juice squeeze through!
That what you get, in a depressin' society,
thats maybe why people so easy triggin and firing ,
and always pushing down, the new person hiring
and never admiring a man that dont prove that hes groove is smooth
and that he got style..
Fuck that! Let erase the categories lines!
Cuz we're all one, trapped in different bodies with different hobbies, aint this obvious?
Like world peace , aint that hard to get, but we forget out true strenght, its big make a bet..
Just look at the ground we stand on, its ridiculous to call you a owner or a landlord
cuz we're from it, but instead we take and bomb it, its like our brains are numbd nd shit..
we walking round stupid and unkowing like zombies, please make a note from this..
We take and want more, score but still not happy or so, cuz sucess is a mindtrick to be best and look down at the rest with a smile.. dont you wanna talk with them and back em' up behind....
Dont know how to finish it, so I let it be unfinish until we finish it!

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