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MicOne - Now I See [Vers #1] (Joell Ortiz - Hiphop instrumental)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-06-09 18:25

MicOne - Now I See [Vers #1] (Joell Ortiz - Hiphop instrumental)

Looking out the window while I'm sitting on a bus //
Headphones on my ears while I'm sipping on a cup //
of coffee to keep me up //
'Cause it feels like I've been asleep all my life, not giving a fuck //

Walking through the world blind, complete darkness //
unable to read all signs of deceit and harships //
I am aware of my own mistakes so don't start shit //
It all makes me who I am, so I won't part with it //

I just embrace them, growth is what I call it //
It's given me the strength to rise up when I've fallen //
Recalling the wise words that I live by and ponder //
"The things that don't kill you only makes you stronger" //

No longer will I follow another so blindly //
No care in the world for all the people behind me //
The snakes and the rats, creatures of that kind //
Man, I can't understand that I've ever been that blind //

Aw, man...

Konstruktiv kritik, tack. :)