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Love pt. XII

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-05-28 19:45

Love pt. XII

Sitting thinking of you
Wondering if you ever pondered the concept of us
It's like I'm running in circles constantly falling in love
Imagining your face while I run to the bus
Picturing me next to you, seeing the image crumble to dust
Messaging back and forth, lying about loosing my wallet
You promised to search your gloomy apartment
And I answered, choosing every word with ludacris caution
That I only lost my work ID, but I was a fool to have lost it
And you told me you'd even go on a look through in your closet
Every vibrator buzz made blood shoot through in my heart and
Left it fiending more,
But I guess I was destined to roam on looking stupid and heartless
Remebering laying in your bed, not uttering a word
Satisfied with hearing your voice hum just like a birds
Your laughter getting my jokes, running on lovely and spur
Telling me how you hurt your thumb and I felt bad when I said:
Fun to have heard!
Remember I was thinking of trying to get under your skirt
Once again before I left
But knew I didn't have the willpower to turn it to words
We could've been a lovely couple
Now I'm left like hundred others
Alone and in self pity
Only thinking of getting drunk tomorrow

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello