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Zibbit - första texten

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-04-10 22:48

Zibbit - första texten

Satt o spelade in lite shit jag satt o spitta och tyckte det va värt o sampla, nothing speciell rly men vill veta vad annat folk tycker.


We are humanoids
dont take steroids
stop beein paranoid
tryin keep the flow going on
spit more rhymes
its time for henkel to step up to the line, bust some lines
born and rased in cali, a city to the north
me and my brothers keepin beeing raw
spitting on them homeboys coming for the beef
them trash hoes comin here caling me a thief
just trying to bash a master of blast
you just gonna end up like those who didnt pass
the test of judge where i split u in half
i aint one of those new rappers trying to enter teh game
im here to stay baby you wanna feel my pain?
I grew up always had to be the best
never ever has a oppertunity to fail on a test

i guess i should be happy but i just cant smile, trynna find a backup file or just lai down and die
spitting is my only option aint more to say
time to go away, time to spray, time to claim and became aflame and burn in the castlee of ross
i aint gonna beef with you cause you know im the boss.
This is real underground shit, the raw type shit,
we surround you with noises, and forces u to listen to backstreet boys.

It time to step down from the scene, a new theme
some nigger going down, looking like a clown
sparking with his brown eyes, looking for a reason, a treason, his eyes turns into a dry season.
The puls is gone and the heart stop beat, an official defeat
nothing new really just some daily shit, its what happend when a nigger wanna fuck my bitch
yeah shes nothing like youve seen befo, not that all type shit man this bitch is raw

i wanna end with style, so i finally smile and glance over my crowd
taking a bow, wave and just standing there proud.