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Mister Kee - Bye

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-27 02:17

Mister Kee - Bye

I open my eyes and looked out through the window//
Was a little bit tired and scared, feel kind of low//

But the feeling i had inside me//
Was peaceful and i feel free//

Because when i look back those hours//
I was stupied, and belive in love and bought u some flowers//

Fuck that, because the only person i need is me//
I know what i want, and i know what i get, agree//

Im maybe selfish but in a good way u see//
So please baby dont be angry//

It's not u, it's me, i promise//
I'll not be in your way, u are changeless//

So open your heart for another guy//
I wont hurt u any more, bye//

Satt o tänkte o fundera lite o kärleken har försvunnit, så ja, man måste acceptera o släppa taget fast man inte vill .. .

Kanske lite enformig men men .. .

P.S e inte så bra på engelska

U all will look up to me n' pray.
Cause' I gonna burn God's book.
N' reborn u all on ONE singel day!.