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Schoolin ya, class is in session, quit tryina mimic perfection..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-17 18:37

Schoolin ya, class is in session, quit tryina mimic perfection..

Yeah this one goes out to a buncha headz out there,
that ain´t keepin shit a hunned.

And especially to one cat in particular, you know who you be, you li´l ju-ju bee..

Hate, then holla.

eat ya heart out on this shit:

"Authentic" speech,
cause a severe breach.
students, wanders out of the classroom,
and attempt to teach??!
I more or less birthed you.
Gave life to yer style.
I´m a grown ass man, ya unnerstand?
You´s a child!
Only semi-wild,
a baby-dun, pullin on my pant leg.
I´m doin it BIG, ya dig.
You smaller than an ant´s leg!
Miniscule, irrelevant, unintelligent.
What? You decided to run with my convo??
Just for the hell of it??
I´m not even tellin´ you to quit.
Just hop off tha dick!
Getcha OWN steez,
n´ intermit the spit that you bit!
No wonder all the words an verbs is malplaced.
Spotless? Naah! It´s just that the blind
can´t see the freckles in ya face!
It´s silly, really, how they gassin you up!
U gotcha head on swolle, courtesy of mc-ass,
bulidin ya up!
Consider me a wreckin ball,
I hitcha witta boom and pound!
You reside inside a deck of cards,
I sneeze and blow yer house down!
You´re a clown!
Without an insane posse to back you up!
I keep nets for you rejects, and trap you up!
N´ slappin you up, is only 2 easy!
Like two Eric Wrights.
I run it at the summit, u peckerwoods stay beneath me!
So whut´s up with all the hype???
Maan! You ain´t right,
And you know it TOO!
Tryina talk a John Wayne,
and tryina, fit in my shoe!
Getcha own vocab, you even bitin my rhyme titles!
It´s got me snappin, like the audience, at a poetry slam
I had it up to here, and can´t stand the vulgarity!
Wish you would snap outta yer stupor,
and have a moment of clearity,
Kid! Ya whole style is based on, interpolarity!
U changin it up just a tad, thinkin you brought originality??!
I bet you go to sleep, belivin strongly in that fallacy.
Mc ------???! Phucc that bitch!
He´ll just be another fatality!!

(Inlägget ändrat av spades_joola 2009-02-24 17:46:11)

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