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Raindrops ny låt i väntan på inspelning

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-03 00:37

Raindrops ny låt i väntan på inspelning

Raindrops are always falling down, since you left

I'm trying to be strong, but it's hard to accept,

that after all we been trough you just had to go

I am writing notes to you, 'cause I want you to know

that I still miss you, in my heart you'll always be

we were a cute couple, now it's down to only me

we had wishes of someday start our own family,

instead of two, we'd be making it three.

It's been a long time since the sun lit my way,

it's been a long time but I see brighter days

no more fighting, all i'm gonna make is love

make the world a better place for our kids to grow up

without ever have to hear about drugs and stuff

always dealers in the corners but this time it's enough

we don't want it no more, take it off our streets

we just want a world that's good enough for us to live in

Lasha - Poesi direkt ifrån själen!