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Nicked - Writin`to ya

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-28 14:24

Nicked - Writin`to ya

Inte sant po nagot satt, ville bara skriva av mig lite och testa po engelska.

Dear mother.

This is a letter i wrote ya, i hope you get to read it
or if you´re still mad at me and you decide to burn it, so be it
but i want you to know i´m sorry for what i did
but still, i had my reasons to do that shit
anyways, this is an apologize, i hope you can forgive me
had to leave ya cause i want a future, not just to dream it
I met this girl on my journey, i´ll stay at her place for a while
not sure if or when i´ll be home, i see this as a phase of my life
no hating, i do miss both you and my brother
by the way, how is he? i know we´ve been pissed on eachother
but i do miss my brother, and my mother - i hope you´re doing just well
atleast im fine, i guess my brother´s happy he has the room for himself
you can be proud of me, cause i started to earn my own cash
I got a job, i know the boss - still i work until all of my bones last
well, i just wanted you to know i`m really glad to have-
a family, i love you guys, i would really love an answer back
I´ll always love you, please keep it on your mind
well, gotta go - i miss you, greetings from your son.

Oringatality-Battles brooooooooooooooooor!
