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pewol - who me?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-26 13:50

pewol - who me?

yes im the one you love to hate
cuz Im the one that doesnt care nd feeling great
and Im the one thats fucking the girl on first date
cuz Im the one she loves to hate
yee thats me
a filthy bastard thats smoking weed
nd always free for adventure or greater deed
money comes and go, spend it well no mental greed
its not the rote of happyness or generation to seed
its shareness of experience thats making me feed
highclass cunts looking and hating me so real
but im not bother´d by 'em fuckers
cuz I can knock 'em out in one punch like rockers
so walk right past
lookin at 'ems legs and they walk oh so fast..
and girls always looking back
I wave my hat but aint got time
Im going home to smoke some hasch!!

(mer jobbskriv;)

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