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4 them gurls

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-15 14:06

4 them gurls

Mighty sign, yo the cloud's gone wild
Covered to spread up, tear up before my eyes
showing the glimmering light of a divine shining lady
reaching down from the glowing in the sky

Then i woke up, a wake & bake then hit the shower,
thinking where to find that girl of dreams in her power
Cause i've been out, been around, been bound
learned what i found be my anti-inner sound
now on a detective mission, a quest for the best
my vision in real, cause this dream woman steal
my energy, my mind can't really tell what i feel
til i find her, get a chance to emotionally sorround her
thank her for that dream that she struck me
that lovebeam really got me feeling lucky
so um, spread the word i wanna make my love heard
if i can't find you know
i'll be your loving humming bird.