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Låttext "Deep down"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-04 15:57

Låttext "Deep down"

Skriver mycke låtar. Ville lägga upp en av mina första. Hoppas på lite kritik=)
(Sorry för vissa stavfel)

Snow - Deep down

I wanna love you
Be able to control my feelings
Live in your embrace
Breath in your kiss
Every day
But something inside
The past from my mind
Gives me the strength to say
Good bye

Theirs a shrewd diamond in my palm
I`m holding it
Giving my heat and love
Stroking it the best I’ve got
Living for the beauty
Making hope for us
But I know the true
It’s a heavy one
And I have it in my hands
Cause I want to look
Just be sure and secured
That’s the wrong thing to do
Yeah I know
But I’m a stupid girl

I wanna love you
Be able to control my feelings
Live in your embrace
Breath in your kiss
Every day

I wanna love you
Be able to control my feelings
Live in your embrace
Breath in your kiss
Every day
But something inside
The past from my mind
Gives me the strength to say
Good bye

Sweet sunshine
I love you, when I let you
When I lie to myself
But the true does always comes back in the end
I wish that it wouldn’t be the only way
Cause you are the best
Nothing is wrong with you
I just can’t live with or without you
My body is confused and uncertain
And I know that you whish the same
That’s why I’m giving my tears to prove
That I truly deep down love you, love you, deep down love you, yeah I do

I wanna love you
Be able to control my feelings
Live in your embrace
Breath in your kiss
Every day
But something inside
The past from my mind
Gives me the strength to say
Good bye

Låten finns på: http://www.znapmusic.com/snow/

(Inlägget ändrat av BountyBoo 2009-01-04 15:58:24)

Snow / "If you don't understand the music, you'll never understand the dance"/Tyron the Bone proctor