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Hoes before hoes? then youre my foes..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-01 22:31

Hoes before hoes? then youre my foes..

yooo. skrev precis av mig lite..

uh, its time to change, its time to make new friends
im so through this, im tired of being held down
so im gonna stand my ground, so i wont be bound
I'll make sound, but know that i wont be around
cause you have now proven that youre all bitches
I'll hit you, be prepared for stitches, youre all snitches

I stand for controversity and its making you nervous
thats why i wont get invitations anymore, like before
at new years eve you had a own fucking party
you never called me, i dont care, but dont pretend you did
asking like, "where were you?, I couldnt get in touch with you!"
well fuck you!

you think youre so good, but all you do i can do better
there isnt a future in sight for ya'll, and i got sheddar
I know who i am, do you know who you are? im sure you dont
you people dont recognice friendship and lojality, cunts
you chose hoes over broes, well, now youre my foes
see ya'll in a couple of years, i'll be living the good life
ya'll be stuck in tears, seeing that Heidi Klum is my wife


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