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Lucas Rhyme - Manican

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-12-29 19:22

Lucas Rhyme - Manican

Låten heter egentligen Life är en låt från MP3's EP "The Ingen Sommar Utan Happy Pillz EP".

Hi sits in this fashion place another saturday
And it's sad to say he's just a bad cliche
Another cast away from the ship that was his hope and dreams
And every day paints his face with another coat of screams
It's seems like that girl from yesterday is walking throug the front doors
He see's here from a distance but he wants more
He's full of hope and doubts sits there with an open mouth
Tries to speak to her but as always the words just wont come out
It's not the first time, guess he isn't good with people
And just like always walking on the borderline of good and evil
To them he is just another nameless face watch him fade away
As he preys today wont contain the same mistakes
But just like yesterday he sits in this depressing display
Always showing his expressionless face
It's a story that for some reason just can't begin
Who will help this poor manican become a man again

Komentera och checka Audioforumet om ni vill höra lite låtar:)

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