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These, the darkest of times

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-12-24 00:25

These, the darkest of times

En liten dikt att fröjdas åt såhär i självmordstider.

These, the darkest of times

Remember, remember the cold of December,
Opponents reloading, but golden and tender,
Are songs singed in longing ‘cause lonely the earth shake,
When love rumbles down onto land like an earthquake.

Emerge from the darkness, descend amongst people,
All levels will fade until warriors are equals.
We tell tales of men who have lived, how they died,
Through the ages of mankind, the heroes of time.

We can try not to find all their words left in pain,
But forgot they will vanish, their deeds all in vain,
But there will be a time, we remember the names,
Of the ones lost in sorrow and anguish again.

Like a bridge over water, these arches of mine,
The author will nurture a longing divine.
‘though hard we will climb our walls when were blind,
a saga of war in these darkest of times.

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