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I´m a Jedi knight, you couldn´t even be my padowan

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-12-18 15:26

I´m a Jedi knight, you couldn´t even be my padowan


I´m reposting this.

Now either give this proper feed (no hate or BULLSHIT), or leave this thread ALONE.
And we´ll be fine.

But don´t be cummin at me on some hater shit and make me have to set you str8.

Becouse if I do, more than half the site I´ll hop right on yer tip and defend what you´re sayin, no matter HOW stupid it is.

And then these mods I´ll delete MY post, becouse of YOUR bullshit.
Just to cock block.

I´ll tell ya´ll what-don´t be cummin at ME, and I won´t be cummin at ya´ll.

With that said I´m reposting this verse right here.

And if this offends anyone, by all means go ahead and spit a verse back at me.

Just don´t get all your friends to join in on sum tag team shit.

Side note:

Let´s do this in a way that´s hip hop, if anyone got a problem with me,
call me out on yer own, send me yer verse and we´ll battle.

(if you´re not even good enough to battle me, I won´t holler back).
But if you´re decent I´ll battle you on sum real shit.
One at a time, aigh?

Now here´s the verse:

Fukka Raymo!
Aka, mc-lamo!
He´s li´l hater fagget!
and ass-wipe, was his name-o!
Can´t write a str8 verse!
Now that´s how fruity he IS!
He´s SO GAY,
he´s considering gettin pregnant,
and havin KIDS!
Phucc outta here, BITCH!
With ya played out, tired azz hater-shit!
You gone bring out my dark side,
make me have to get on my Darth Vader-shit!
I lightsabre-SLASH this kid!
Nuke and BLAST this kid!
He SO GARBAGE! I won´t even bother
trashin this kid!
You´re jussa´ ´nother dumb youngster,
You´ll fit well in a dumpster!
I BEEN mashin shit up!
Ever since Eddie Munster!
I put the mic down for a minute,
around the time when you STARTED!
You´re a light weigh!
Your rhymes GAY,
and what´s more, you light hearted!
That´s how I know fa´ DAAM sho´,
you ain´t REALLY want it with me!
I flip that BOY!
That´ll get the best of Whitney!!

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