Representanten - friendship ge kritik :)!
friendships is hard...
yo yo..
i would never be the one who's walking out,
but everyone seems to be the ones whos talkin about,
how peoples walking out n walking now,
i stand up for my friends i never pretend,
and i dont think im a good friend if they dont feel the same,
i try to support them in every kinds off stuff,
some times i feel i dont reach the target enough,
friendsships is hard just as love can be,
how i behave to them is how they behave to me,
we livin a real world time to up wake,
so im trying to not make any mistakes,
if i do im just trying my hardest to sort it out,
& i would never be the one who's walking out....
blev nöjd med den som min första och att den skrevs på 5 min = D
(Inlägget ändrat av Mabande p.g.a. CAPS 2008-11-28 19:17:17)
Lilla fia pling plong.