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Been hiatus for this long...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-11-22 23:53

Been hiatus for this long...

Inte skrivit på några år nu...men är det tråkigt på jobbet så är det :)

Tempting the willing, killing them softly with this song
Been hiatus for this long…
Lyrically manifesting the touch of a better kin
Those letters in the alphabet is working as a medicine
A veteran with words attending the seminar so let him in
Mend his skin, tending to bend strings within the wind
A sinner of sorts contorting the course of actions
A fraction of forced reactions to the matter at hand
Can’t stand the impatient listeners, flatter me man
Turn me into a vicious lyrical battering ram
It’s not me you wanna be battling man, pan from the plan
Banned from the fans, manning the stands
Grabbing the damn mic, ready rocking at jams
So kill me softly with this song, mock my plans
Take my effin’ mic and don’t make me question life
I’m back it’s just my rhymes that expressed its right to strike

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein