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PA - A Guardian Angel (Eng) första vers.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-11-15 03:13

PA - A Guardian Angel (Eng) första vers.

I always thought that somebody was watching my back when...//
Every single time i pick up my pen, whereever i been, like a true friend//
That i had company even if i was alone, home by my own//
Never known, that i'm protected by someone unknown//
safe in my zone, it's like my path is shining up by a strong white light//
Thats why i can walk totaly alone in the middle of the night//
So many times that things was just ment to go wrong//
The person that saved me from the bad person i was so close to become//
And i do this song, because to show that im just myself//
Doing this mixtape, with help by an angel without shape//