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Tsun - Revelations in emptiness

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-07-10 17:42

Tsun - Revelations in emptiness

Truth, It's always just been a word.
Lie like your denial aren't crushing your world.
We haven't even learned to listen yet
This mighty tall bridge we built it set,
It places all of it's weight on a single thread.
We're all proud captains of a sinking ship,
Have they decided a winner yet?
The king is dead, Almost every single thing is dead.
But wait look at the sky and soak in the depth
Can a simple human understand the menaing of infinite?
There will never be an end to life,
This is just a glimpse of it.
In my head.
From a cable to the place where the system is.

Till whoa, Har inte skrivit något på 1 år kanske, kommer ihåg hur soft forumet var, träffade många roliga människor här.
Hoppas att skiten lever fortfarande och att folk läser.

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