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Dikt/lyric på engelska, konstruktiv kritik

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-07-06 20:29

Dikt/lyric på engelska, konstruktiv kritik

I hope you'll find your destiny some day
'cus nowadays I stoped give you simplyfied trays
Everything you made excuses for made me feel betrayed
This statements and all disgraces made me your slave

I cryed every single time I was going to sleep
'cus the pain you gave me were all to deep
It aint blood I bleed, it's my tears who took the position
And I hope you know that you took the wrong decision

I'm tired of getting beated up every single time you hurted me
So for your own choice, find yourself a resolution
I miss my life more now than ever before, so notify
that all you done just made me cry