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written by Afro.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-05-06 21:30

written by Afro.

Här är en text som jag presic skrivit klart! vill gärna veta vad ni tycker=) vad ska ändras vad ska inte ändras??? Peace

i feel that the darkness surrounds me//
but i feel great, im just living in my fake reality//

everything is going to be alright,//
look deep into my eyes, you se something bright//

or something that is dark as the night?//
you probaly se what i se, at the left eye//

you se me being strong, and see me survive//
but at the right eye, you se, sadness,
and see my soul slowly die, //

and suddenly,the right eye start to cry//
and the left one only smile's//

you look at me like im stupid, but you have no idea what i go trough//
i block your face and i aint givin a fuck about you//

im hearing 2 voices calling my name,//
one of them is healing my pain//
the other one is strange,//

it´s evil so i think it´s the voice of the devil
but im not afraid, fear is my friend,

you probaly think that im insane//
but thats the way it goes when you got your heart full of pain//