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A True War Story

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-17 00:18

A True War Story

We were flyin in a helicopter over the jungle in fast speed
Laughing and cheerful thoughts by thinking we succeed
But suddenly a bullet pierced the Helicopter Driver
More and more bullets hit us and i was the only Survivor
I could see my friends brain everywhere around me
The helicopter sinked inte the black jungle i could see
We crashed and i fell out in dirt so i got covered in mud
The pain was great and i got dizzy while losing blood
I noticed another soldier without legs crying
I felt a sting and i thought this was it i was dying
A light appeared infront of me and i was flying
Something made me stop but i still was trying
Trying to get to the light my heart was denying
Was my heart denying god? man devil got me
The light vanished and i saw the forbidden tree
A snake was circulating the tree fast and tricky
Was this what i read in the bible? damn its sticky
I fell down on the greenest grass i had ever seen
Christ was standing infront of me as a marine
He told me i was forgiven and warmness caught me
He told me that i had a place in heaven and he gaurentee


What keep me goin is goals // Muhammad Ali