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Perspective - In Middle East chasing detonators

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-07 21:34

Perspective - In Middle East chasing detonators

I'm in Middle East and chase detonators
Known as a beast call me the "face decorator"
Perspective - underground like the Meteor Crater
Call me the greater metaphor creater
Fuck you up loud and clear like a megaphone raper
Skin you to make a suit, like Crunchman I'm a known draper
Throw darts against rappers and aim for their hearts
Blow you apart, like D.A. I'm a doctor of arts
Pistol whip you so hard you get gun scars
Cut off a body part, that's where the fun starts
My creation is sensation 'cuz off my wild imagination
Make you think like a child with preparation
Addicted to rhyming, I need probation and medication
A combination of fascination and inspiration gives motivation
Aiyo your voice is a pain in the ass like hemorrhoids
By choice I got you mad like steroids...